Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What it is

Mingle opposite social labels until they intertwine. Perhaps, the outcome is a peculiar blend of snotty elitist blue collar, artsy sophisticated grunge hippie, sports crazy, gaming, scientific, intellectual, television addicted, gourmet food loving, family. Do not bother to read that part again. Painting a perspective of my point of view certainly is not an easy task for a stream of conscious poet. Dare to imagine what growing up on the shores of Lake Erie can do to one’s mind. Surrounded by the astringent rust belt, one would imagine a development of a certain unique type of urban-rednecks--citizens who failed to identify with Chicago natives as well Iowa farmers.

Not so. We are the children of Lake effect snow.

Growing up with outstanding museums, ethnic and trendy restaurants, boats, summer cottages, fish, and hockey--we are quite strange. If you have stumbled upon my blog, I may intrigue you if you are the type who will venture out to a wine tasting or museum exhibit opening only to return home to turn on your Wii, X-box, or PS3.

If you prefer organic or healthy food but feel it is only normal to allow your children some Cheetos every now and again, then perhaps we are on the same page.

This blog will offer reviews, observations, and commentary from the perspective of a woman and her husband who are raising their children (and dog) in a society that struggles at defining them.


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